I remember what it was like to pay $250 and up for a beat and $65-75/hr for studio time so I decided to dedicate this
page to up and coming artists. Along the way you are going to just about lose everyone who says they love and support you.
Keep in mind this is all a test, a right of passage if you will. There are going to be tough decisions that you will have
to make, which will either break your career or make your career. Just remember this, God is present during it all. So always
go with your first mind, that's called your spirit, it will never lead you wrong. I have taken beats that I produced and put
them here for free so you can use them. Keep in mind there is no such thing as a whack beat i.e. Laffy Taffy LOL. It's all
in pushing yourself to be the best and coming up with something that no one else can do but you. Be yourself and the people
will love you. Make good music and they will respect you. Never quit and they will never forget you. If you need me I am always
there. One Luv, One God, One Nation, One.
~Knockamechee Pharoh